To easy to change the temperature by a mistake
Håvard Bøe
When scrolling in the app it is to easy to change the temperature on a thermostat by a mistake both on the front page and in the modus and shortcuts. It is very easy to change to a different temperature and save it without knowing that you have changed it. Maybe it is better to only use the + and - buttons and not the complete slider. Maybe not a problem with only a couple of thermostates, but if you have several you need to scroll.
Egil Johansen
Enig. Dette gjør at jeg ikke liker appen overhode. Bruker MILL app på MILL varmeovner. Der er funksjonaliteten topp.
in progress
Oddmund Runningen
Enig, har gått i fella selv.
Var varmt om morgenen etter 🥵
Alexander Olsen
Enig i denne hær.
Rolf Lothe
Dette er eg eining i! Ved endring av temp, bør det koma eit sp.mål om du verkeleg ønskjer det. Det er altfor lett uforvarande å koma bort i skalaen ved skrolling.
Håvard Bøe
Even I am aware of the problem I changed the max effect in the energy control screen by a mistake, and ended up crossing a effect level and have to pay more for the effect part on my bill. This was one of the reason I wanted this system, so hope you fix this problem. Also had very warm rooms due to the same problem.
Raymond Jensen
Det burde vært en lås på slider hvor du kan låse opp en og en eller alle på engang. Jeg har sett slik funksjonalitet i en annen app så det er mulig.
Jon Harald Øymyr
Agree. I have nine temperature zones, and I have to scroll on one of the sides to avoid accidentally setting a temperature. I usually just want to check the status, as the automations should set the correct temperatures. I think the sliders should only be active when the card is expanded.
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