Language washing
Snåla Grisen
I agree, I changed the language to "Swedish" and it was a mix of Swedish and English. Completly useless. I had to revert back to English which seems to be the best implemented language in the app.
Lars Espen Grubbmo
Here's an example where English is mixed in.
frank moe
See that in the app now “cancel” has been replaced with “cancel”
Mikkel Aronsen
An important point to add is that it must be thought through what is written and that it describes what it is supposed to in as few words as possible, but clearly. The language must be “regular Norwegian” and not “programming language Norwegian”. It must have a natural timbre and colloquial speech, if one says it out loud.
Espen Håland
Michael Angelo Justiniano
Agree! And now they use a mix of lowercase-only words (e.g., the Settings tab: “you” and “Household”), capital-only words (e.g., the Home tab: “LIGHTING” and “ENERGY”, and the Areas tab: “LIVING ROOM” and “BEDROOM”), and capitalized words (e.g., the History tab: “User turned on Living Room” and “User turned on Bedroom”).
Make it easy; Write in the usual way! 😛 Use capital letters in sentences and on single words/buttons, and display areas exactly as you have typed it, in my case Living room rather than LIVING ROOM. Thank you 😊
Torfinn Brokke
Heilt clawed. There needed to be a proper review of the heile app with this in mind. It should not be a very difficult job, there is not such a soft text. However, it looks so much softer when the language is correct. :-)