Power usage not available for Aeotec Heavy Duty Smart Switch
Tor Erik Skårdal
Fixed in 5.0.15 https://futurehome.canny.io/changelog/futurehome-app-1
Torfinn Brokke
Tor Erik Skårdal: I'm not sure if this is a good one. No energy consumption in kWh is shown properly, but power in the boost flash (in W or kW) does not increase for the Aeotec HD Smart Switch or Qubino Smart Plug. For Fibaro Dimmer 2 comb this up.
Tor Erik Skårdal
Torfinn Brokke: do you have thingsplex installed? If you have it can you check if you get a response from the device when you request W under meter_elec?
The Qubino Smart Plug should look like this:
Torfinn Brokke
Tor Erik Skårdal: I've had Thingsplex, but that was before I migrated to a new app/backend, so it doesn't work. They might have to lay it in for me again? The Qubino looks a lot different to me, boy. But this may well have to do with the problems I have with the new app in general (i.e. the length of the status messages from this site) as long as it works for others.
Lars Espen Grubbmo
Torfinn Brokke: did you get this resolved? Have same problem with qee's z-wave plugs
Torfinn Brokke
Lars Espen Grubbmo: Yes, it works for us, both for Aeotec HD Smart Switch and Qubino Smart Plug.
Roy Thomas
Same issue with Heatit Z-relay
Tor Erik Skårdal
in progress
Tor Erik Skårdal
Merged in a post:
Power usage not available for Qubino Smart Plug 16 A
Torfinn Brokke
Power usage is not displayed for the Qubino Smart Plug 16 A.
It is not simply that it says "no data", but the power usage data field is not there, even though it supports power usage metering.
Torfinn Brokke
I changed this post to apply to the Aeotec HD Smart Switch only, as there is already a post regarding the Fibaro Double Switch that I had overlooked.