Outdoor rooms in new app should not affect average temperature
in progress
Michael Angelo Justiniano
Something new? My Futurehome shows 14 degrees. But it's ish 24 inside and 0 out.
- Should display both inside and outside temperature
- Should be able to choose which sensors help to create the cut temperature (also inside and outside)
- See example
Tarjei Sunde
Should be able to drop any of the temperatures in the house, regardless of whether it's outside or inside. Sometimes some devices provide incorrect temperature in rooms along with other devices (e.g. fire alarms and sonsor). Often, fire detectors placed all the way up under the roof provide some high temp. In addition, Futurehome lists its own fire detectors 4 degrees for high temp.
in progress
Bjørn Frostad
Anders: What is the status of being able to have the outside temperature to yourself and being able to choose whether to see average temperature or only temperature on the main sensor in dashboard?
Any updates here? Espen Håland?
Lars Espen Baugerød
It's about time now!
Jarleif Vågen
Any progress on this issue? Any plan for change? Espen Håland?
Remi Sture
I'd love to have a fix on this. Unfortunately, it makes zero sense with a sectional temperature between sensors inside and outside.
Lars Davidsen
Here it would have been smart if you could get more tiles in the overview too so that you could e.g. see inside and outside temp without and have to click on climate but e.g. one tile for indoor climate and one for outside climate
Svein Olav Aastrup-Leithe
Lars Davidsen: Then we are approaching another desire in here, and there is the possibility to configure the dashboard yourself with tiles, sensors, etc.
Svein Olav Aastrup-Leithe
It would have been even better if one could choose which rooms/sensors should actually count towards this average view.
For example, our bedroom is much colder than the rest of the house.
We would therefore like to be able to opt out of the sensor in the bedroom in this average calculation.
This, along with other wishes to be able to customize the dashboard, perhaps belong together in a job?
Give users the opportunity to choose the order of the rooms, what is displayed in the different rooms, which sensors to count with when averaging the displayed values.
Espen Håland
Merged in a post:
Aqara temperature sensor
Remi Kjærgård
Has 2 pcs temperature sensors. One in living room 19.4 degrees and another in outside storage room 0.5 degrees. Everything is displayed correctly on the climate page. But on the main side it shows 9 degrees.
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