Smarthub updates
Cloud-bridge 1.2.8
- Fixed a problem on big sites where state message was too big. Compression is now used to handle this
Fhbutler 1.1.3
- Improvements to cmd.gateway.get_active_adapters
Vinculum 3.0.23
- Fixes an issue where type and subtype of a device would incorrectly change to "none" (null) on core restart if user changed subtype to "main_elec" and the type was auto deduced to "meter"
- Add support for FIMP commands cmd.log.set_level and cmd.log.get_level
- Add support for device type "chargepoint", with subtype "car_charger"
- Add support for device type "media_player"
- Add support for device subtype "inverter"
Note: The chargepoint, car_charger & inverter are not released yet, but the hub is ready for the device types
Vinculum 3.0.21
- Do not trigger heating relays in rooms without temp sensor
- Devices type: Fixes an issue with numeric sensor services where, for the purposes of deciding device type, a service was considered to be a numeric sensor service when its name started with 'meter_', and not 'sensor_' as intended
zigbee-ad 0.3.10
zigbee adapter 0.3.10 changes:
- Stability improvements.
- More reliable device remove procedure
- Improved discovery process
- Improved HAN support
zigbee firmware 0.3.119 changes:
- Fix chip getting stuck sending events to adapter
- Fix an edge case where devices cannot be controlled after reboot
- Fix an issue with trying to remove devices after booting
- Fix SoC reboot on certain events
- Fix devices leaving the network for no apparent reason
- Fix for an issue preventing newly included devices from being discovered
zwave-ad 1.0.7141
Bug fixes
- Fixed siren control bug (unable to turn on siren)
zwave-ad 1.0.7140
Bug fixes
- Fixed “dead adapter” when Z-Ware lose TCP connection with ZIP (AKA nothing works)
- Fixed User Code adding (loooooong PINs were not accepted)
- Fixed channel/service mismatch due to channel synchronization
- Fixed User CC commands (get and clear)
- Z-Ware: Thermostat Setpoint CC: v3+ Set returns error on out of supported range values
- Z-Ware: Config CC v3+ Set returns error for out of supported range values
New features and Improvements
- Added template for Telldus Plug-In Switch Mini
- Added template for Namron - Z-Wave dimmer 400W
- Added template for Aeotec - Smart Switch 6 - updated with basic mapping
- Added event when user unlocks the door from the app
- Added exclusion report for NODE_RESET event
- Added support for BASIC_SET report (sent by device)
- Added Schenider Switch template
- Added support for extended battery information (charging, health, overheating...)
- Added support for Application CC messages (logging only)
- Added “re-interview the node” command
- Added real number of User Code CC supported users
- Added restarting of ZIP when Z-Ware is unable to initialize
- Added critical.log for logging fire alarm messages
- Increased number of retries from 4 to 16 (adapter -> ZIP). Fixed UX when controlling many devices
- Extended API for User Code Service
- Changed Version Service report (now humans can read)
- Revamped logging (severity level configuration)
- Easylogging replaced with plog
- Compatible with Z-Ware 7.14.x
- Z-Ware: Nodes are now using highest granted key class to control even insecure CCs
- Z-Ware: Improved AssociationCC and Multichannel AssociationCC (they included FH fix)
zipgateway 7.13.109
Fixed bugs
- re-routing endpoint to a correct one (not to zero)
- added dependency on libssl1.0.2