



Playground update

sensibo 1.4.2
  • Added external room sensor support for Sensibo Air Device.
External room sensor supports temperature, humidity and motion. It can be used for automations, but all Sensibo devices has a poll rate of 1 minute, so it will take up to 1 minute before the automation is triggered.
  • Added supported mode "off".
  • Fix toast when syncing and logging in.
  • Empty "advanced setup" when not logged in.
  • Handle empty success result from AcStates leading to adapter crash.
Users who have already installed and configured the integration needs to log out and log back in to get external room sensor for Sensibo Air in the app. This can be done by going to Futurehome app -> Playgrounds -> Sensibo -> settings -> logout -> log in.
Known issues:
* Sometimes sensibo devices returns empty state responses when logging in, thus no values will show in Futurehome. If this happens, open Sensibo app and adjust temperature setpoint once.
* Motion sensor will not trigger notification & timeline event if motion is detected in away & vacation mode.