App update
Main new features
- Change the temperature at home by changing the thermostat mode directly from device view.
- See which devices consume the most power using the top 10 devices consumption list in the energy view.
- Connection stability and app general reliability.
- Z-Wave and Zigbee inclusion and exclusion process.
- Low values range on energy graph.
- Smarthub pairing errors description.
- Average temperature in the climate card.
- Slider's minimum value on the lighting view is limited to 1%.
- Automatic log out.
- Android widget crashes.
- Possibility to navigate back when the app loads.
- App crashing when pressed back button on startup.
- Device states were not updated until the user restarts the app.
- Device subtype icons not shown on the device edit view.
- Grey field shown in place of device's detailed data list.
- No sound or vibration on Android notifications.
Lighting view
- Added disabling sliders on lighting cards when they are not accessible.
- Wrong switch status for lighting view.
Fire alarm
- Fire alarm service not opening.
- Sirens and heaters not configurable in "What should happen in case of fire".
Modes & Shortcuts
- Wrong value mapping on sliders
- Temperature slider not shown for room when switch is used as a thermostat.
- Cannot change previously set timeout value.
- Gray field when tapped on device icon.
- No devices in „Then” section when you only had thermostats included in your Smarthub.
- Household user not updated after editing the profile.
- Non-climate sensors displayed on the climate view.
- Not able to control light devices from room view.
- Household ownership transfer not working.
- App freezes when navigating to energy view during the energy production.
- Hub stays in inclusion mode even after exiting the screen.
UX/UI improvements
- Mode icons shown on the timeline.
- New loading view for longer actions.
- Inclusion adapter button text color.
- Hub pairing design.
- General improvements in showing icons mechanism.
- Changed trip mode name to vacation mode.
- Improvements in Swedish translations.
- Playground apps list design.
- Timeline list alignment.
- Climate slider outside of Modes & Shortcuts view.
- Removed loading indicator after setting room temperature.
- Border in Light section.
- Added icon for presence type in device edit.
- Playground status icon alignment.
Known issues
- HAN meter consumption showed as 100% in the Top 10 devices power consumption.
- Zigbee door locks not available in the Modes & Shortcuts due to the automation policy.
- Sensibo Sky thermostat mode "dry" is shown as "unknown".