Flexit integration in Playground
Espen Håland
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Flexit ventilation
Håvard Hylen
The Flexit ventilation is controlled and monitored by Flexit Go, Flexit's own app. Flexit can be integrated with modbus and bacnet. It would have been great to be able to control Flexit by use of Futurehome. Flexit's documentation: https://www.flexit.no/produkter/ventilasjonsaggregat_bolig/automatikk_boligaggregater/flexit_go/
Sigbjørn Kongsli
An easy way to control Flexit ventilation is to use the I/O’s with the fibaro smart implant. Maybe not exactly what you want, but an alternativ.
Håvard Hylen
Sigbjørn Kongsli: It's easier (at least for me) if Futurehome does the integration and includes Flexit management in their Playground library..
Espen Håland
Merged in a post:
Synchronize Flexit aggregate with FH
Ulf R. Hansen
Automatically put the Flexit aggregate in Away mode when FH is set to Away or Vacation mode. Flexit back into program mode when FH is put into Hjmmemmode again.
Espen Håland
Merged in a post:
Flexit integration
Aleksander Skaala
Is it possible to integrate Flexit with Modbus adapter CI66 K2/C2/UNI into the FutureHome app? Believes that this is a wish more people have had. https://www.flexit.no/produkter/ventilasjonsaggregat_naeringsbygg/tilbehor_aggregat/modbusadapter/modbusadapter_ci66_k2-c2-uni/
Kjell Inge Meisal
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Atle Coward Markussen
I voted for this one, but I see now that I was thinking of the house version of Flexit, the Flexit Nordic series. This one is online by default, but I don't know how it communicates... https://www.flexit.no/produkter/ventilasjonsaggregat_bolig/nordic_s4/ventaggregat_nordic_s4_rer/
Andreas Vedå
Atle Coward Markussen: Me too (Nordic S4) But am afraid the app is locked, but who knows maybe Futurehome can access? If not, I think you should be able to connect it with Modbus and Fibaro smart implant. I mean I've read something about it on Hemetautomation.no
Atle Coward Markussen
Andreas Vedå: Yes... but it can also be controlled by simple on/off signals into the socket. So there are possibilities without the use of modbus as well. At least you can set the different modes.
Andreas Vedå
Atle Coward Markussen: I know too little about this yet as my plan is to set up Futurehome in a new house with Nordic S4, but the house is not finished until June 2021.
Jon Harald Øymyr
Has anyone tried smart implant steering? Can't quite figure out how to connect it.
Jon Harald Øymyr
I started using a smart implant now. Forcing is run as long as the two wires already laid up for external control are held together. Just plugged the two into out 1 on the smart implant. Also created a flow that starts it based on humidity.
Tarjei Sunde
Is it possible to change control panel on Flexit Uni 3 so that this integration is possible?
Håkon K. Olafsen
Tarjei Sunde: Not that I know of, but I think it has some sort of bus you can connect too, to control it.
Håkon K. Olafsen
Tarjei Sunde: You can use this to get part of the way, to a modbus connection. Not sure how or if you can control modbus units with FutureHome.